Club Documents
- What is the Club Charter renewal process?
- What are Club Bylaws?
- Does My Club Need Club Bylaws?
- Do you have a set of sample Club Bylaws?
- Is there a tool that can be used to assess the health of my club?
- Do you need assistance with technical matters?
- Are FF clubs covered by FFI’s Liability Insurance for club events?
- Club Life
- Member Recruitment
- Social Media
Useful Resources
- Journey Documents and Forms
- Do you have samples of clubs who use a Leadership Council Model instead of a typical club board model?
- Where can I find training opportunities for club members or club leadership?
- Where can I find the FFI Handbook?
- Current Policies and Guidelines for Clubs and Programs
- Building Your Club Website: Tips and Advice
- Who is our Regional Support Manager (RSM)?
- Can I get a copy of FFI’s non-profit status verification?
- Where can I find FFI logos for download?
- How can I get a copy of my club’s logo?
- What are the Brand Guidelines for FFI’s Refreshed Logo?
- Where can I find a club needs assessment?
- Are there tools for assessing the health of my club?
- Is there a guide to help clubs to develop a strategic plan?
- How can I order a Friendship Force name badge?
- Can I order business cards via FFI?
- What is the FFI Friendraiser?
- Where can I find the Friendraiser video recordings?
- Is there a map that shows all active FF clubs?
- Can our club use FFI’s Zoom account to meet virtually?
- How do we invite FFI staff to speak at our next club meeting?