An Ambassador Coordinator (AC)…
- provides the leadership required for a successful Journey
- is selected by the local club for each Journey
- reports to FFI for Journey planning purposes
- ideally has proven leadership ability and prior experience in Journey planning
Responsibilities of an Ambassador Coordinator:
- maintain good contact with the Host Coordinator during the planning stages
- agree on a Journey program with the Host Coordinator
- transmit ambassador details to the Host Coordinator using the Ambassador and Host Matching form
- prepare ambassadors for the upcoming Journey
- provide updates on Journey dates and ambassador numbers to the assigned staff contact
- initiate advertisement of a Journey to a wider audience (empty seats)
- respond to inquiries and applications
- accept or reject applicants according to the club’s established vetting process and his/her own judgment
Good to know…
- The AC is not required to fill every space, only to make an effort toward that end, as in accordance with the Fill-the-Seat policy.
- The AC discount and the AC’s earned seat are benefits to recognize the responsibility associated with leading a Journey